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时间:2012-10-15 09:17:35  来源:  作者:

 Real Right Law of the People’s Republic of China
 Order of the President of the People’s Republic of China No. 62
 《中华人民共和国物权法》已由中华人民共和国第十届全国人民代表大会第五次会议于2007年3月16日通过,现予公布,自2007年10月1日起施行。 中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛 二○○七年三月十六日
 The Real Right Law of the People’s Republic of China has been adopted at the 5th session of the Tenth National People’s Congress on March 16, 2007. It is hereby promulgated and shall go into effect as of October 1, 2007. President of the People’s Republic of China Hu Jintao March 16, 2007
 目 录
 第一编 总则
 Part I General Rules
 第一章 基本原则
 Chapter I Basic Principles
 第二章 物权的设立、变更、转让和消灭
 Chapter II Creation, Alternation, Alienation and Termination of Real Right
 第一节 不动产登记
 Section 1 Reality Registration
 第二节 动产交付
 Section 2 Chattel Delivery
 第三节 其他规定
 Section 3 Other Rules
 第三章 物权的保护
 Chapter III Protection of Real Right
 第二编 所有权
 Part II Ownership
 第四章 一般规定
 Chapter IV General Rules
 第五章 国家所有权和集体所有权、私人所有权
 Chapter V State Ownership, Collective Ownership and Private Ownership
 第六章 业主的建筑物区分所有权
 Chapter VI Owners’ Partitioned Ownership of Building Areas
 第七章 相邻关系
 Chapter VII Neighboring Relationship
 第八章 共有
 Chapter VIII Common Ownership
 第九章 所有权取得的特别规定
 Chapter IX Special Rules on Acquiring Ownership
 第三编 用益物权
 Part III Usufructuary Rights
 第十章 一般规定
 Chapter X General Rules
 第十一章 土地承包经营权
 Chapter XI Right to the Contracted Management of Land
 第十二章 建设用地使用权
 Chapter XII Right to Use Construction Land
 第十三章 宅基地使用权
 Chapter XIII Right to Use House Sites
 第十四章 地役权
 Chapter XIV Easement
 第四编 担保物权
 Part IV Real Rights for Security
 第十五章 一般规定
 Chapter XV General Rules
 第十六章 抵押权
 Chapter XVI Mortgage Right
 第一节 一般抵押权
 Section 1 General Mortgage Right
 第二节 最高额抵押权
 Section 2 Mortgage Right at Maximum Amount
 第十七章 质权
 Chapter XVII Pledge Right
 第一节 动产质权
 Section 1 Chattel Pledge
 第二节 权利质权
 Section 2 Right Pledge
 第十八章 留置权
 Chapter XVIII Lien
 第五编 占有
 Part V Possession
 第十九章 占有
 Chapter XIX Possession
 Supplementary Rules
 第一编 总则
 Part I General Rules
 第一章 基本原则
 Chapter I Basic Principles
 第一条 为了维护国家基本经济制度,维护社会主义市场经济秩序,明确物的归属,发挥物的效用,保护权利人的物权,根据宪法,制定本法。
 Article 1 In accordance with the Constitution Law, the present Law is enacted with a view to maintaining the basic economic system of the state, protecting the socialist market economic order, clearly defining the attribution of the res, bringing into play the utilities of the res and safeguarding the real right of the right holder.
 第二条 因物的归属和利用而产生的民事关系,适用本法。
 Article 2 The civil relationships incurred from the attribution and utilization of the res shall be governed by the present Law.
 The term “res” as mentioned in the present Law means realties and chattels. Where it is prescribed in any provision that certain right shall be taken as an object of real right, such provision shall be applicable.
 The term “real right” as mentioned in the present Law means the exclusive right of direct control over a specific res enjoyed by the holder in accordance with law, including ownership, usufractuary right and real rights for security.
 第三条 国家在社会主义初级阶段,坚持公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度。
 Article 3 In the primary phase of socialism, the state adheres to the basic economic system with the public ownership playing a dominant role and diverse forms of ownership developing side by side.
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